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Best Boot Insoles

When choosing the right insoles, they must fit your foot type, protect the parts of your feet that cause you the most pain, and lastly, fit in your shoes. If you're a fan of versatile, practical and comfy boots, this means you need to make sure your chosen insoles are definitely suitable for boots. To help you out, we've put together this short guide with our Best Boot Insoles that can help you find the right pair for you.

What Are Height Increasing Insoles?

Did you know that approximately 60% of the UK population have some sort of discrepancy between their leg lengths? For most people the difference in height between either limb is so subtle that they'll likely never notice, but for those who do, Height Increasing Insoles are the perfect solution. Our height increasing insoles are easy to use to give you the boost you need, and in true fashion, they'll also help keep your feet healthy and comfortable!

How Do You Find Your Podiatrists CH Code?

Some of the shoe insoles that we sell will require a referral from a healthcare expert before purchase. You can prove a referral by finding your practitioners registration number, which in the case of chiropodists and podiatrists, will start with the letters CH. If you're wondering just How Do You Find Your Podiatrists CH Code, this article explains how to get it and why you need it.

Top 5 Spenco Insoles

Most of us know that shoe insoles are the quickest way to find relief from pain foot problems, but with such a vast array available, finding the right pair for the job can be tough. As a first step, it's always a good idea to trust the manufacturer, and there are few names more trustworthy than Spenco. We've had our insole experts put together their list of the Top 5 Spenco Insoles, taking on feedback from our customers to provide the perfect choice for just about anybody.

Best Insoles for Running

It doesn't matter if you're just looking to keep fit or if you're a sportsperson looking to win your next race, insoles have been proven to reduce the risk of injury, decrease levels of pain, and provide support to your feet while running. As it's hard to know which insoles are the insoles that would suit you and your running style, we have found the insoles that we believe are the Best Insoles for Running to help you choose.

Best Half Insoles

While full length insoles are an excellent solution for most foot problems, sometimes using targeted support can help you with a more specific issue. To help you find the right half insole for your needs, we've come up with this short list of some of the Best Half Insoles that are designed for specifically one part of the foot. If your foot pain is caused by one of these five common foot problems, this list is guaranteed to help you find the right solution.

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