Looking for a pair of insoles that provide long-lasting comfort? Discover our picks for the Most Comfortable Shoe Insoles.
Runner's Knee
If you suffer from pain, fatigue or instability as you run, the right pair of insoles may be just what you need. Read on for our expert picks of the Best Running Insoles, with the best selections for each need.
Deciding between the vast range of insoles can be difficult, so we've had our experts tackle one of the most common insole questions around: which insoles to choose, Superfeet Green vs Superfeet Orange Insoles?
Choosing the right pair of shoe insoles can be a daunting process. It can be difficult finding the right insoles for your foot condition. This article weighs up the differences between two of the world's most popular insoles: Superfeet Green vs Superfeet Blue.
Runner’s Knee, also known as patellofemoral knee pain, is the name given to a pain and discomfort originating in the knee joint. Like those tricky little bones that cause Sesamoiditis in your foot, your knee is also one big Sesamoid, a bone that isn’t directly connected to other bones, but held in place exclusively by tendons and muscles, both of which are far more vulnerable to injury.
Runner’s Knee is no run in the park, but if you’ve found yourself suffering from this condition then don’t be too downhearted - treatment of Runner’s Knee has the silver lining of reconditioning your body to run at its best. By targeting the problem areas such as the pelvis and thighs, the targeted exercise routine used to cure sore knees ultimately stands you in better stead for all your future activities.