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The Best Insoles for Leg Length Discrepancy Related Conditions

Leg length discrepancy is linked to a wide range of conditions such as plantar fasciitis, over pronation and metatarsalgia, and a difference in leg length can exacerbate each affliction. We've put together a list of our best solutions for combatting both issues.

Find Your Foot Condition

If your feet are bothering you but you don't know why, our graphic is the ideal solution. Simply click on the area that is giving you trouble and see our detailed guides on how to combat the conditions.

What is Pronation?

Pronation is the term given to feet which tend to roll inwards when in motion, placing the majority of weight on the inside of the foot. Also known as over-pronation, this condition is generally considered to be the opposite of Supination (also known as under pronation).