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What Are Mallet Toes?

Mallet Toe is the name given to a foot condition that causes the toes (usually the second but also third and forth) to bend inwards towards the ball of the foot, Mallet toe differs, though only slightly, from Hammer Toe or Claw Toe due to the joints it affects, Mallet Toe will present in the top toe joint nearest the tip. Mallet Toes are frequently the result of Arthritis, previous foot injury or a habit of wearing poorly-fitting shoes. Because Mallet Toes lead to the shape and functionality of the foot changing with crooked and bent toes, sufferers will often find themselves walking differently and unevenly, heightening the risk of Metatarsalgia and Plantar Fasciitis.

How Mallet Toes Shows

The symptoms of Mallet Toes include pain in the toe, especially in the joint, that can become worse when putting on shoes. Corns on the toe joint can also suggest this condition, while swelling and inflammation are common. Difficulty in moving the toe and toes that are excessively rigid are also a sure sign of Mallet Toes.

Treatment For Mallet Toes

The old adage says that "prevention is better than the cure" and in the case of Mallet toes this is 100% true. Mallet Toes cannot be left to heal on their own and will always require some sort of medical intervention, the quicker you get your toes to the correct health care professional, the quicker the issue can be addressed and corrected. 

Visit our Mallet Toe Category for Mallet Toe and Claw Toe Insoles

The seriousness of your Mallet Toes depends on their ability to bend and flex. Toes that can still move at the joint are less serious and can usually benefit from non-surgical treatment. If your toe can no longer move and is rigid at the joint then surgery will most likely be needed to treat the site. Changing your foot care routine once Mallet Toes have become apparent is key to stopping the condition from growing any worse.

Treats For Your Toes

Suitable footwear is essential for the comfortable management of Mallet Toes. Pointed shoes, shoes with a shorter toe box and high heels or shoes that force the foot forward are best avoided, and padding for the corns or calluses that tend to develop around Mallet Toes are also recommended to bring extra relief to your feet.

Wearing appropriate shoes for any activity is sage advice for preventing any type of foot condition, sports should be undertaken while wearing sports shoes that provide ample support and stability. Ice and massage are also ideal to help relieve the pain and swelling of any affected toes, especially after sports and high-impact activities.

Managing Mallet Toes

Mallet Toes can be caused by a long-term mistreatment of the foot and sufferers should aim to change their poor foot habits by using a suitable insole, helping to relieve the pain of strain of living with this condition.

Full Length Insoles can take care of your feet from heel to toe. Perfect for cushioning and supporting Mallet Toes, they can also address any other condition that may present along your foot while giving you the extra stability to prevent leg, knee or back pain.

Toe Cups and Pads offer perfectly placed comfort for sore toes. Perfect for bunion treatment and care, there soft and flexible cups and pads stop toes from rubbing uncomfortably together, preventing calluses, blisters and corns from developing or worsening.

Splints provide a more precise treatment for Mallet Toes, correcting aligning each individual toe and keeping them in position, they are perfect for people who want to relieve toes which rub together or bend uncomfortably. Foot splints or toe straighteners are able to target a single toe or cushion several, pads and cushions are usually made of durable gel which is naturally soothing and highly cushioning for sore feet and toes.

Great Insoles for Poorly Toes

All our insoles are high-performing and highly durable, and whichever style you pick, you will be able to enjoy in-shoe support and comfort from Mallet Toes.

Visit Shoe Insoles for a full range of Insoles for Mallet Toes.

Pedag Hammer Toe Cushion

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  • Soft cushion for the prevention of toe irritation
  • Essential wear for hammer toes and toe deformities
  • Flexible and tear resistant design alleviates pain when walking
  • Secure fitting wraps around the middle toe

Superfeet Blue All-Purpose Medium Arch Support Insoles

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  • Superfeet's most versatile and easy-to-fit insole
  • Thin, high-performing and flexible, can fit almost any shoe
  • agION antimicrobial finish keeps insoles clean and fresh
  • Available in both adult and junior sizes
  • Covered by the Superfeet 60-Day Money-Back Comfort Guarantee