What Causes Bunions?
Bunions is a unique foot condition in that a whole range of factors can affect your susceptibility to them. While poorly fitting shoes aren’t helpful for the health of any poorly feet, sometimes your bunion-bothered feet can be dictated by something far more serious, like the onset of arthritis, or simply a result of your family genes.
Causing Factors
Shoes: Unsurprisingly, poorly fitting shoes are just as much a culprit of bunions as any other foot condition. High heels are the worst offenders, making women more likely to develop this particular issue as well as being six times more likely to suffer from overall ill foot health. Badly fitting shoes may not always be the underlying cause of bunions in some individuals, but wearing them will significantly worsen the condition once it arrives.
Genetics: If your family has a history of suffering from Hallux Valgus then chances are you’re next in line to feel the effects of this foot condition. Don’t worry, it’s by no means a certainty that you’ll develop these bony growths. Even if you do, you join almost half the adult population who don't let a little thing like bunions slow them down.
Arthritis: The reason many bunion check-ups involve blood tests and x-rays is because they can be linked to arthritis, again this can be due to your genetics, but are just as able to be relieved through similar treatment as those which are brought about because of other reasons.
Gout: Suffering from gout may also leave you with this bony bi-product, commonly affecting the big toe, there are plenty of options to help keep feet perfectly aligned while living with this condition such as the Talarmade Bunion Corrector.
Double jointed individuals: While the extra flexibility and apparent suppleness that comes with those who can bend their joints more than normal might make you think that flexible feet are immune to bunions, the reverse is actually true. Because extra flexible joints are more likely to get these growths, even children can be effected by them.
Born to Bunions: Sometimes this condition is simply something dealt at birth - that said, treating your feet well remains the best way to live well with any foot ailment.
High heels: Those pesky high heels strike again. Forcing your forefoot to take the weight of your entire body while placing the pressure of your heel onto a tiny surface is bound to have consequences - if not Metatarsalgia or Plantar Fasciitis, then bunions. Be warned, those shoes may look great, but they’ll leave your feet feeling less than fabulous.
Barefoot brings bunions: It has been noted that people who favour going around barefoot are more likely to develop this complaint that others. Denying your feet suitable support is always asking for ailments to strike, not only from bunions but from a variety of aches and pains.
You may be suffering from bunions through no fault of your own, but keeping feet comfy is something you do have total control over. Try one of our Bunion Protectors or Splints for happy feet that don't stop for anything.
Visit Shoe Insoles for a range of Bunion Insoles.