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A Shoe-In for Golf: Golf Insoles

Golf, the gentleman’s sport, the sport that makes business deals, a leisurely weekend...and breaks your feet. It may not be the most punishing of sports, but golf can still be punishing on heels and toes, especially for those who come under-prepared. Even the most skilful player is not above the strife that poor-fitting shoes can do to poor feet, and as we at Shoe Insoles do firmly believe, no one is above using an insole!

You may think that insoles are more of a cure than a preventative, and for sickly or poorly feet only, but you couldn’t be more wrong! A great sportsman is an insole-wearing sportsman, and great insoles are what we do best. So if you’re off to the golf course, you best come to us first so we can get you properly kitted out for golfing success! 

Golfing Gripes

It may be the back that is most at risk from pain and strains during golf, but your feet have got a fair amount to withstand, too. As the body twists to make the golf swing, your foot swings right along with it, stretching to extend the pose and rapidly shifting weight from your ‘lead ‘ foot to your less dominant ‘trail’ foot, and as many a plantar fasciitis veteran knows, pushing your foot too hard – especially in hard-to-wear shoes – is never going to end well. 

Visit our Golf Category to See More Insoles for Golf

Take heed, eager golfers, because one small change to your shoes can make a big change to your game, your comfort and the fate of your feet! Just some of the conditions know to befall golfers include:

Supination and Pronation: An imbalance in your feet will cause chaos on your golf swing. Moving from grass to sand and back again, your feet endure their fair share of instability through the course of a game. Keeping them properly stabilized is crucial not only for your performance but for all that follows - you'll definitely know if you've forced your feet through a painful balancing act come the next day.

Plantar Fasciitis: The words that chill hearts of sportsmen and women everywhere, this heel condition can spell the end of your golfing days for as long as 12 months as you recover. We’ve got plenty of tips and tricks on speeding up recovery, but we prefer to keep you from ever suffering horrible hurting heels. Choose an insole with good arch and heel support, and shock absorption to lessen the pressure of the overall foot. Plantar Fasciitis strikes the under-protected heel, so get your feet armed with a suitable insole!

Blisters: Appearing on the hands and the feet, a minor thing like blisters can be a serious problem during major games. Their cause can range from anything to your golf shoes not being ‘broken in’ enough to simple over-use of your feet as you walk the length of the course. We have plenty anti-blister solutions to help battle these brutes, so don’t let them burst your chances of victory.

Morton’s Neuroma: The increased pressure on the front of the foot as you follow through on a swing can lead to the joints of your toe suffering from this condition. Cushioning the area will help negate neuromas and with a great range of full-length insoles to completely protect the entire foot, it’s not a hard task to get feet on winning form.

Ankle Instability: Common among golfers because of how frequently they have to perform on unstable and changing surfaces, keeping your foot steady is crucial to keeping ankles happy. Try a wedge-style insole or one with strong arch support to help keep feet totally supported. 

A Shoe-In for Golfing Gold

Our insoles are able to keep your feet comfy and supported whatever you’re putting them through. A golfer's skill may come from his talent, but his comfort comes from our insoles!

Visit Shoe Insoles for a wide range of Golf Insoles.

Pedag Viva Sport Insoles

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  • Viva insoles designed for sports shoes
  • Features micro-air chambers to reduce impact
  • Metatarsal pad relieves ball of foot pain
  • Available in 13 sizes and suitable for both men and women

Sorbothane Shock Stopper Heel Pads

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  • Provides pure shock absorption at the heel
  • Ideal for light sport and everyday use
  • Easy to fit in all types of footwear
  • Provides firm support and comfort

Sorbothane Shock Stopper Single Strike Insoles

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  • Helps to prevent and alleviate heel pain
  • Ideal for tennis, golf, football and running
  • Features a moulded heel cup and integral arch support
  • Protects heel from impact shock

Tuli's Road Runners Premium Replacement Insoles

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  • Shock-absorbing insoles improve physical performance
  • Ideal for athletic activities
  • Helps to relieve heel pain
  • Arch stabilisers for enhanced support