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Footactive: Align Your Feet for Better Relief

Being active is great and being active on your feet is even better. 

FootActive are all about taking that next step. And the one after that. And the next. And the next. And the… Well, you get the picture. They’re moving forward. Walking, running, leaping, jumping… The whole lot! But that sort of activeness plays havoc on your poor, hard-working feet.

But rather than soaking them in the bath and pretending that the pain will be gone by the next morning, FootActive are all about preventing that pain from being there in the first place.

Who Are FootActive?

FootActive began in Australia in 2005 and expanded from there, now supplying the UK, Germany, France, Spain, Italy and the US. They’re going places. They are an NHS approved supplier and have been since 2010. Also, they provide insoles for sport, medical purposes and everyday use – just to top it off, they also specialise in children’s feet as well.

Visit our FootActive Category to See Our Full Range of FootActive Insoles

Focusing on the idea that things going wrong with your feet can affect the rest of your body – especially your back and hips – FootActive use the latest technology in orthotics to make sure their insoles are doing exactly what they should be in the way it should be done. The fifteen years of medical research proves that tension in one area of muscle and ligaments can affect the rest of the body. Most people are aware of this but do little to rectify the problem.

Alignment Refinement

FootActive focus on foot alignment – excessive pronation (inward rolling) and the arches – when it comes to their insoles. But they aim to prevent problems as well as solving them. By correcting the position of the foot, they believe this can prevent future injuries from happening while curing the pain from the current problem.

Their insoles are used by some of the world’s top athletes, it can’t get much better than that when it comes to looking at their performance.  With ready made, "off-the-shelf" insoles, FootActive products can be sold anywhere, anytime but also are used by health practitioners – another feather in their cap. Or sole in their shoe. One of them.

Their insoles vary from everyday comfort use to those specially designed for sport. They also look at medical conditions and their insoles have certain conditions they aim to aid. When it comes to prevention, their children’s range attempts to rectify the problem before it develops. The ready-made insoles take away the cost of personalised insoles but provide the same support and help a poor foot needs after a hard day’s work.

Visit Shoe Insoles to See Our Full Range of FootActive Insoles

FootActive Catwalk Insoles

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  • Reduces pain caused through wearing high heels
  • Spreads weight evenly across the whole of the foot to reduce pressure
  • Adhesive to ensure it stays in position throughout the day
  • Can be worn with any type of shoe from boots to sandals

FootActive Medical Insoles

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  • Highly adaptable to suit the individual's needs
  • Available in full or three-quarter length
  • Suitable for severe excess pronation or flat feet
  • Two height measurements if required

FootActive Sensi Insoles

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  • Suitable for people with diabetes and arthritis
  • Cushioned style helps prevent conditions caused through neuropathy
  • Helps distribute your weight evenly to prevent blisters and cracking
  • Can help relieve pressure on sensitive feet